America's #1 College Training Camp

Ethan Fraser
Team 5

Evaluated at Midwest Boys Academic 50 ID Camp on 07/31/2022 by Coach Vaz of Texas A&M International University

Skillset Overview

Technical Abilities - 87 / 100
Passing - Creates opportunities for teammates with accurate passes. Rarely over or under hits the ball.
Ball Control - Quality first touch in space, and controls the ball under pressure.
Tactical Abilities - 87 / 100
Speed Of Thought - Has good ideas and tries to play fast. This will only help future growth.
Group Play - Play was elevated in team activities. Great understanding of your roles and responsibilities within a team.
Physical Abilities - 87 / 100
Endurance - Great work rate throughout camp. Showed endurance that helped effectiveness, especially late.
Strength - Did a good job handling challenges and played well shoulder-to-shoulder.
Mental Abilities - 87 / 100
Coachable - Responds well to coaching. Asked good questions and seemed to enjoy the learning process.
Team Player - Great team-first attitude. Was encouraging and supportive to teammates throughout camp.
Coach's Comments
Ethan brings a great level of energy and enthusiasm to every game and trainning session. He’s a technical player that can adapt well to other positions. As a 2023 grad, he has a bright future ahead of him.
Leadership - You have a great potential to be an leader on the field, so make it explicit to all the coaches and players around you.
Breaking the lines - Work on receiving this ball from one side and switching it to another side with quality in less than 3 touches.. Faster that you play the more efficient you will be on your position as a MD/CM.
Dynamic off the ball - Work on being dynamic off the ball as you are on the ball. Support more your teammates on short combinations that will transition the ball to your strikers and wingers.