America's #1 College Training Camp

Scott Termotto
Team 5

Evaluated at Mid-Atlantic Boys Academic 50 ID Camp on 07/13/2022 by Coach Delaney of Haverford College

Skillset Overview

Technical Abilities - 95 / 100
Hands - Great strong hands. Ball seems to stick on a save.
Diving - Good technique and strength on diving plays. Covers good distance and gets extended reach.
Tactical Abilities - 95 / 100
Communication - Great communicator; organizes and directs teammates well and communicates frequently.
Defensive Awareness - Understands team defensive schemes, shows understanding of positioning and angles.
Physical Abilities - 95 / 100
Endurance - Great work rate throughout camp. Showed endurance that helped effectiveness, especially late.
Explosiveness - Great quickness and explosiveness, especially in the first step or two.
Mental Abilities - 95 / 100
Leadership - Excellent job taking charge and leading the team. Great communicator and motivator.
Confidence - Great confidence, didn't shy away when challenged at camp and played with a sense of urgency.
Coach's Comments
Scotty was a true pleasure to work with throughout the duration of camp. He showed off his talent and his personality, and that is why he was our Golden Glove recipient. Scotty has a bright collegiate future ahead of him.
Continue to work on playing balls from the feet - The modern college keeper uses their feet 7x more in a game compared to their hands, so continue to work on playing balls from the feet.
Sharpen up angles on shots close to goal - Make sure your angles are covered when you come out for shots around PK spot or closer.
Diversify your distribution - Utilize your punt, long throw, short roll out, etc. when distributing the ball. This will make you more of a versatile keeper at the college level.